Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Some Progress

I am finally making some progress on my classroom unpacking. I sorted a lot of school supplies left over from last year. I organized my books (sorta) and put them on the shelves. I am having lots of problems finding enough room for all of my stuff. :(

O well, I am going to keep up the work!

My best news of the day...actually, I have two great news (newes? These both sound dumb.) First off, the custodian said he was going to turn on my air conditioning since I have been coming everyday for the last two weeks. That is going to be awesome because a box fan in an enclosed space that is sitting at around 100 degrees is not awesome. Secondly, I got Wal-Mart to donate me 50 reusable shopping bags to use as book bags this year for my Daily 5!!  So all in all, I had a pretty great day!

This picture is sideways and I forgot to turn it. This is giftwrap covering up the really ugly and paint job needing doors.

Before and after which is better? The seperation of the paper is really bad in the pic but you can't really tell in person.

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