My book check out system. I am going to try and be a little looser about letting students take home books and let the parents know at the beginning of the year that the students are accountable for what they lose/damage. |
Nicely labeled supply bins so students can have whatever they need available. |
I am going to try and get two more computers to go where the yellow bins are now so that my students have more availability to blog this year. |
The clock promptly fell off the board right after this picture. :) |
Bulldog time is interventions, whole group is Journeys, Literacy centers is Daily 5 and Test Prep will be when I work with testing strategies and we do practice questions in my room using i<clickers. |
I have two library area since I don't want overcrowding. I moved some chapter book series (Junie B., Horrible Harry, etc) to baskets in the long red shelves. |
Thanks for checking me out. I am almost done! One day I should be able to get some laminating done and get the last of it up. :)
Just dropping a note to let you know that I enjoyed reading about your classroom.